2 - 7 November 2021: Designing Voices
in the Französische Kirche Potsdam, St. Matthäus-Kirche Berlin and Felleshus, the Nordic Embassies Berlin.
in the Französische Kirche Potsdam, St. Matthäus-Kirche Berlin and Felleshus, the Nordic Embassies Berlin.

2 November 2021: Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten (PNN)
Babette Kaiserkern: Neues Festival für Vokalkunst: Die Dimensionen der Stimme
Stimmakrobatik und musikalisches Grenzgängertum: Der Vokalkünstler Alex Nowitz, Komponist der „Bestmannoper“, gründet das Festival „Designing Voices“ in Potsdam und Berlin.
Babette Kaiserkern: Neues Festival für Vokalkunst: Die Dimensionen der Stimme
Stimmakrobatik und musikalisches Grenzgängertum: Der Vokalkünstler Alex Nowitz, Komponist der „Bestmannoper“, gründet das Festival „Designing Voices“ in Potsdam und Berlin.

A.N.: dressing room self portrait (1)
15 - 17 October 2021 (20:00, 20:00 & 16:00): Au cœur de l’océan an opera work by Frédéric Blondy, Arthur Lavandier (composer) and Halory Goerger (librettist, director) with premiere performances at Théâtre de l'Athénée, Paris, conducted by Maxime Pascal. Co-production of Ensemble Le Balcon Paris and Opéra de Lille. Together with a fantastic line-up of internationally renowned vocal performance artists, such as Claire Bergerault (FR), Han Buhrs (NL), Audrey Chen (DE/USA), Isabelle Duthoit (FR), Phil Minton (UK) and Ute Wassermann (DE). A.N. presents a ruthless and greedy character—an entrepreneur who, for the sake of exploitation, finances an exploration at the bottom of the ocean.
4 / 5 October 2021 (11:00 / 09:15): Wenn Mannheimer Raketen leise in Espressotassen landen [If rockets from Mannheim softly touch down in espresso cups], a theatrical concert for children at the Foyer of the Nikolaisaal Potsdam, produced by the Kammerakademie Potsdam. Together with Susanne Zapf (violin) and Peter Rainer (violin, concept) A.N. slips into the role of scatterbrained Prof. Dr. Sonorius, a sound researcher, playing the strophonion, singing a Handel aria and a lot more.
13 September 2021, 19:00: The Multivocal Voice—A Machined Voice, a Zoom presentation as part of the symposium series Opera and Artistic Research with the title 'Voice' at the Stockholm University of the Arts, hosted by Prof. Wilhelm Carlsson and Prof. Kent Olofsson. Other presenters are Njål Sparbo (NO) and Ulrika Tenstam (SE).
24 August 2021 Vocal Space Lines a solo performance for voice and live electronics (strophonion) at Sentralen in Oslo, Norway as part of the VoxLAB VårFEST: The Extended Voice curated by Kristin Norderval, next to performances by Franziska Baumann, Natasha Barrett and Ruth Wilhelmine Meyer.
27 - 29 August 2021 Conference 'Renewing Opera' at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO): Presentation of Unleashing the Machined Voice a lecture-performance for voice and video, of the workshop Voicescapes: Shaping vocal textures and building collective sound structures, as well as panel discussions together with conference leader Kristin Norderval (NO/US), conference host Toril Carlsen and Anna Einarsson (KHiO, NO), and vocal performance artist Franziska Baumann (CH).
14 August 2021 Sprache und Spannung: Eine Lecture-Performance zur vielstimmigen Stimme im Kontext musikalischer Improvisation [Language and Tension: A lecture performance on the multivocal voice in the context of musical improvisation] as part of the symposium 'Sinn und Präsenz in Improvisation' [Sense and Presence in Improvisation] at the Exploratorium Berlin curated by Mathias Maschat.
19 August 2021 Premiere of solo performance SAM, for voice and strophonion at the new music festival intersonanzen 2021 at the Nikolaikirche Potsdam.
31 May 2021 DESIGNING VOICES—a conference panel at the Berlin Design Week organised by Alexandra Klatt. Invited discussants are Alex Nowitz, Marta Verde, Elysha Zaide, Edu Comelles, Renzo Vitale and Chakib Labidi: https://berlindesignweek.com/event/designing-voices/?lang=en.
27 April 2021 Ich bin das Volk: Eine Studie für großes Orchester [I am the people: A study for full orchestra] (2015/2021) recorded by Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg (DFOB) together with conductor Christian Köhler. In so doing, the DFOB proves great solidarity with freelancing composers from the Brandenburgian Association for New Music (BVNM)!
13 March 2021 Video essay ueber die kulturlose zeit [on times without culture] (08:43) with the voice of Berlin-based actor Markus Gertken: https://vimeo.com/521415599
March 2021 Publication of the chapter Assemblages of Multivocal and Schizophonic Practices: Unleashing the Machined Voice in Machinic Assemblages of Desire. Deleuze and Artistic Research 3 (Orpheus Institute Series), edited by Paulo de Assis and Paolo Giudici (Leuven: Leuven University Press):
CANCELLED: 4, 5 February 2021 Au cœur de l’océan an opera work by Frédéric Blondy and Arthur Lavandier (composer), Maxime Pascal (conductor), Halory Goerger (director) at Opéra de Lille. Co-production of Ensemble Le Balcon Paris and Opéra de Lille. A.N. is invited as vocal performance artist together with a fantastic line-up of performers such as Claire Bergerault, Han Buhrs, Audrey Chen, Isabelle Duthoit, Phil Minton and Ute Wassermann.
POSTPONED TO OCTOBER 2021: 22, 23, 24 January 2021 premiere of Au cœur de l’océan Théâtre de l'Athénée, Paris.
6 January 2021 Helen Hahmann: ‘Die Pfeifstimme in der Musik. Interview mit dem Stimm- und Pfeifkünstler Alex Nowitz’, Audio Portal of Community Radios, https://www.freie-radios.net/106204.
13 September 2021, 19:00: The Multivocal Voice—A Machined Voice, a Zoom presentation as part of the symposium series Opera and Artistic Research with the title 'Voice' at the Stockholm University of the Arts, hosted by Prof. Wilhelm Carlsson and Prof. Kent Olofsson. Other presenters are Njål Sparbo (NO) and Ulrika Tenstam (SE).
24 August 2021 Vocal Space Lines a solo performance for voice and live electronics (strophonion) at Sentralen in Oslo, Norway as part of the VoxLAB VårFEST: The Extended Voice curated by Kristin Norderval, next to performances by Franziska Baumann, Natasha Barrett and Ruth Wilhelmine Meyer.
27 - 29 August 2021 Conference 'Renewing Opera' at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO): Presentation of Unleashing the Machined Voice a lecture-performance for voice and video, of the workshop Voicescapes: Shaping vocal textures and building collective sound structures, as well as panel discussions together with conference leader Kristin Norderval (NO/US), conference host Toril Carlsen and Anna Einarsson (KHiO, NO), and vocal performance artist Franziska Baumann (CH).
14 August 2021 Sprache und Spannung: Eine Lecture-Performance zur vielstimmigen Stimme im Kontext musikalischer Improvisation [Language and Tension: A lecture performance on the multivocal voice in the context of musical improvisation] as part of the symposium 'Sinn und Präsenz in Improvisation' [Sense and Presence in Improvisation] at the Exploratorium Berlin curated by Mathias Maschat.
19 August 2021 Premiere of solo performance SAM, for voice and strophonion at the new music festival intersonanzen 2021 at the Nikolaikirche Potsdam.
31 May 2021 DESIGNING VOICES—a conference panel at the Berlin Design Week organised by Alexandra Klatt. Invited discussants are Alex Nowitz, Marta Verde, Elysha Zaide, Edu Comelles, Renzo Vitale and Chakib Labidi: https://berlindesignweek.com/event/designing-voices/?lang=en.
27 April 2021 Ich bin das Volk: Eine Studie für großes Orchester [I am the people: A study for full orchestra] (2015/2021) recorded by Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg (DFOB) together with conductor Christian Köhler. In so doing, the DFOB proves great solidarity with freelancing composers from the Brandenburgian Association for New Music (BVNM)!
13 March 2021 Video essay ueber die kulturlose zeit [on times without culture] (08:43) with the voice of Berlin-based actor Markus Gertken: https://vimeo.com/521415599
March 2021 Publication of the chapter Assemblages of Multivocal and Schizophonic Practices: Unleashing the Machined Voice in Machinic Assemblages of Desire. Deleuze and Artistic Research 3 (Orpheus Institute Series), edited by Paulo de Assis and Paolo Giudici (Leuven: Leuven University Press):
CANCELLED: 4, 5 February 2021 Au cœur de l’océan an opera work by Frédéric Blondy and Arthur Lavandier (composer), Maxime Pascal (conductor), Halory Goerger (director) at Opéra de Lille. Co-production of Ensemble Le Balcon Paris and Opéra de Lille. A.N. is invited as vocal performance artist together with a fantastic line-up of performers such as Claire Bergerault, Han Buhrs, Audrey Chen, Isabelle Duthoit, Phil Minton and Ute Wassermann.
POSTPONED TO OCTOBER 2021: 22, 23, 24 January 2021 premiere of Au cœur de l’océan Théâtre de l'Athénée, Paris.
6 January 2021 Helen Hahmann: ‘Die Pfeifstimme in der Musik. Interview mit dem Stimm- und Pfeifkünstler Alex Nowitz’, Audio Portal of Community Radios, https://www.freie-radios.net/106204.
1) A.N. represents a greedy character from the opéra Au cœur de l'océan by Frédéric Blondy and Arthur Lavandier (composition) and Halory Goerger (libretto), Paris 2021. Driven by the idea of making a fortune discovering resources that help humanity to survive, he is of course a ruthless person displaying an endless variety of character traits. It's exactly the structure of this persona that allows to present a great deal of diverse practices and techniques of multivocal performance art.
1) A.N. represents a greedy character from the opéra Au cœur de l'océan by Frédéric Blondy and Arthur Lavandier (composition) and Halory Goerger (libretto), Paris 2021. Driven by the idea of making a fortune discovering resources that help humanity to survive, he is of course a ruthless person displaying an endless variety of character traits. It's exactly the structure of this persona that allows to present a great deal of diverse practices and techniques of multivocal performance art.