Michael Wollny & Alex Nowitz in Köthen; image: Henner Fritzsche

Sabine Vogel performing at Villa Aurora – image: Aaron Perez

December 2022: publication of the article: 'Sprache und Spannung: Aspekte der vielstimmigen Stimme im Kontext musikalischer Improvisation' in: improfil – Theorie und Praxis improvisierter Musik (Thema: Sinn und Präsenz in Improvisation), Nr. 85 (Dezember 2022), 58–63. ['Speech and Tension: Aspects of the multivocal voice within the frame of musical improvisation' in improfil—Theory and practice of improvised music (Sense and Presence in Improvisation)]. Other contributors are Christian Grüny, Nicola L. Hein, Carl-Ludwig Hübsch, Mathias Maschat, Matthias Schwabe, Sabine Vogel, a.m.o.
December 2022: publication of Haikus & Herotika: Sieben Gedichte aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen [Seven poems taken out of context] Designing Voices (DV) limited edition, Potsdam, Dec. 2022
20 November 2022, 16:00: premiere of Doubles and Drones from the Desert for voice, piccolo & alto flute, gesture-controlled live electronics (strophonion) & video, commissioned by the ensemble Work In Progress – Berlin, and The bird that did not return for voice and gesture-controlled live electronics as part of the fifth edition of the concert series tiefschön 5 [profoundly beautiful] directed by Gerhardt Müller-Goldboom. Voice & live electronics: A.N., flutes: Katrin Plümer; at the Klosterscheune Zehdenick, Am Kloster 1, 16792 Zehdenick.
[Acknowledgement: The residency at the Villa Aurora, Los Angeles made it possible, together with Sabine Vogel, to shoot videos during April through to June 2022 in several Californian deserts, including Timbisha, which is how the Native Americans, the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe, call their homeland referring to the red pigment found in the mountains overlooking what the Euro-Americans came to label as Death Valley.]
December 2022: publication of Haikus & Herotika: Sieben Gedichte aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen [Seven poems taken out of context] Designing Voices (DV) limited edition, Potsdam, Dec. 2022
20 November 2022, 16:00: premiere of Doubles and Drones from the Desert for voice, piccolo & alto flute, gesture-controlled live electronics (strophonion) & video, commissioned by the ensemble Work In Progress – Berlin, and The bird that did not return for voice and gesture-controlled live electronics as part of the fifth edition of the concert series tiefschön 5 [profoundly beautiful] directed by Gerhardt Müller-Goldboom. Voice & live electronics: A.N., flutes: Katrin Plümer; at the Klosterscheune Zehdenick, Am Kloster 1, 16792 Zehdenick.
[Acknowledgement: The residency at the Villa Aurora, Los Angeles made it possible, together with Sabine Vogel, to shoot videos during April through to June 2022 in several Californian deserts, including Timbisha, which is how the Native Americans, the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe, call their homeland referring to the red pigment found in the mountains overlooking what the Euro-Americans came to label as Death Valley.]
18 September 2022, 15:00: Bauwagenkonzert [tiny home on wheels concert] with trio formation Elo Masing (violin), Hui-Chun Lin (cello) & Sabine Vogel (flutes) & the duo project "Ffft!" by S.V. (flutes) & A.N. (voice) in Paretz (Land Brandenburg).
17 September 2022, 20:00: TRAUMTEXT2022, an audio play and performance concept by Thorsten Müller, based on Heiner Müller's TRAUMTEXT (1995), with A.N. (voice), Jürgen Kupke (clarinet), Nicolas Schulze (piano, electronics) and Thorsten Müller (bass clarinet, fixed sounds) at Café hausZwei, Friedrich-Engels-Straße 22, 14473 Potsdam.
3 September 2022, 19:00: Michael Wollny (piano) & A.N. (voice) concert performance based on a selection of text fragments related to Johann S. Bach by Theodor W. Adorno, J. S. Bach, Thomas Bernhard and Herrmann Keller as part of the Bachfesttagen in Köthen at the Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Saal/Schloss Köthen, Schloßplatz 4, 06366 Köthen (Anhalt). Thanks to Henner Fritzsche for the photos.
22 June 2022: Improvisation concert — the trio Esoteric Revelation with LA musicians Will Alexander (piano), Bobby Bradford (trumpet) and Lester McFarland (bass) invite Sabine Vogel (flautist) and A.N. (voice, live electronics [strophonion]) to present solo & duo sets and to join in a quintet formation as part of the series The Unwrinkled Ear at 2220 Arts & Archives, Los Angeles, curated by Andrew Choate.
May 2022: Review by Pieter Verstraete: 'Designing Voices: 2.–7. November 2021, Berlin und Potsdam'
in: Positionen: Texte zur aktuellen Musik.
24 May 2022, 5 pm: "Ffft!" concert and lecture-performances for voice and live electronics [strophonion], flutes and amplified objects by A.N. and Sabine Vogel at the Concert Hall of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), curated by Wilfrido Terrazas.
14 May 2022, 4 pm: As part of Meet the Artist at the Villa Aurora, LA:
– A.N.: Ellafsunev (2013), an electroacoustic composition for two speakers, including sounds taken from the composition ‘Venusfalle' for flute and piano resonance interpreted and recorded by Sabine Vogel
– Sabine Vogel & A.N.: Music for Balconies, for flutes and objects, voice and whistles at the Villa Aurora
– A.N.: The Voice in my Works, a lecture-performance on multivocal perspectives in works for orchestra and those for extended vocal performance art applying custom, gesture-controlled live electronics, the strophonion.
2 April 2022, 6 pm: World premiere of Vom Glühen der Glut: Eine kleine Nachtszene für Orchester und Smartphones [On the Glowing of the Embers: A short nocturnal scene for orchestra and smartphones] composed by A.N. and commissioned by the Kammerakademie Potsdam (KAP) under the artistic direction of Antonello Manacorda as part of a gala concert celebrating the 20th anniversary of the ensemble.
Listen to the audio recording of live broadcast by rbbKultur:
2 April 2022: Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung (MAZ KULTUR), S 11: "Ein Mensch mit vielen Stimmen und Monstern: Der Potsdamer Gesangsvirtuose Alex Nowitz hat ein Stück für 'Orchester und Smartphones' komponiert" [A human with many voices and monsters: The Potsdam-based vocal artist Alex Nowitz has composed a piece for 'orchestra and smartphones'] a portrait by Karim Saab.
8 February 2022, 00:05-01:00: Deutschlandradio Kultur / Neue Musik: "Musiksprache der Zukunft: Wie das künstlerische Verhalten zur Natur die Musik neu justiert" a radio feature by Gisela Nauck with interviews and music by Sabine Vogel, Ute Wassermann, Marcus Maeder and A.N.:
19 January 2022, 20:00: Nicolas Schulze (piano) invites Sabine Vogel (flutes) and A.N. (voice) to an improvisation concert at Au Topsi Pohl, Pohlstrasse 64, 10785 Berlin.
4 / 7 January 2022 (18:00 / 11:00): Broadcast of an interview including music of A.N. about theory and practice of new vocalities by Solveig Sørbø together with co-host Agata Żelechowska at Oslo-based radiOrakel:
17 September 2022, 20:00: TRAUMTEXT2022, an audio play and performance concept by Thorsten Müller, based on Heiner Müller's TRAUMTEXT (1995), with A.N. (voice), Jürgen Kupke (clarinet), Nicolas Schulze (piano, electronics) and Thorsten Müller (bass clarinet, fixed sounds) at Café hausZwei, Friedrich-Engels-Straße 22, 14473 Potsdam.
3 September 2022, 19:00: Michael Wollny (piano) & A.N. (voice) concert performance based on a selection of text fragments related to Johann S. Bach by Theodor W. Adorno, J. S. Bach, Thomas Bernhard and Herrmann Keller as part of the Bachfesttagen in Köthen at the Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Saal/Schloss Köthen, Schloßplatz 4, 06366 Köthen (Anhalt). Thanks to Henner Fritzsche for the photos.
25 August 2022, publication of Sieben Eintragungen: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Lautklangkünstlers [Seven entries: From the diary of a sound poet], a studio production in Berlin. Video recording on 14/15th of February 2022 and editing by Oscar Loeser, audio recording and mixing by Denise Ripplefinger, final editing (here and then in April and May 2022 at the Villa Aurora in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles) by Alex Nowitz. The project has been made possible with the kind support of the Ministry for Science, Research and Culture of the Land Brandenburg and through the artist residency at the Villa Aurora, Los Angeles. For more information on the piece, visit the interview by Volker Straebel, Dean of the Music Department at CalArts, Los Angeles:
April-June 2022: Three-month artist residency at the Villa Aurora in Los Angeles, funded by the Federal Foreign Office and Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media of Germany. Exploring the landscapes of different deserts in Southern California (Timbisha, Anza Borego, Joshua Tree Parc), flautist and sound artist Sabine Vogel & A.N. record a variety of solo performances at selected locations.youtu.be/6lFB9lcg_mM.
22 June 2022: Improvisation concert — the trio Esoteric Revelation with LA musicians Will Alexander (piano), Bobby Bradford (trumpet) and Lester McFarland (bass) invite Sabine Vogel (flautist) and A.N. (voice, live electronics [strophonion]) to present solo & duo sets and to join in a quintet formation as part of the series The Unwrinkled Ear at 2220 Arts & Archives, Los Angeles, curated by Andrew Choate.
May 2022: Review by Pieter Verstraete: 'Designing Voices: 2.–7. November 2021, Berlin und Potsdam'
in: Positionen: Texte zur aktuellen Musik.
24 May 2022, 5 pm: "Ffft!" concert and lecture-performances for voice and live electronics [strophonion], flutes and amplified objects by A.N. and Sabine Vogel at the Concert Hall of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), curated by Wilfrido Terrazas.
14 May 2022, 4 pm: As part of Meet the Artist at the Villa Aurora, LA:
– A.N.: Ellafsunev (2013), an electroacoustic composition for two speakers, including sounds taken from the composition ‘Venusfalle' for flute and piano resonance interpreted and recorded by Sabine Vogel
– Sabine Vogel & A.N.: Music for Balconies, for flutes and objects, voice and whistles at the Villa Aurora
– A.N.: The Voice in my Works, a lecture-performance on multivocal perspectives in works for orchestra and those for extended vocal performance art applying custom, gesture-controlled live electronics, the strophonion.
2 April 2022, 6 pm: World premiere of Vom Glühen der Glut: Eine kleine Nachtszene für Orchester und Smartphones [On the Glowing of the Embers: A short nocturnal scene for orchestra and smartphones] composed by A.N. and commissioned by the Kammerakademie Potsdam (KAP) under the artistic direction of Antonello Manacorda as part of a gala concert celebrating the 20th anniversary of the ensemble.
Listen to the audio recording of live broadcast by rbbKultur:
2 April 2022: Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung (MAZ KULTUR), S 11: "Ein Mensch mit vielen Stimmen und Monstern: Der Potsdamer Gesangsvirtuose Alex Nowitz hat ein Stück für 'Orchester und Smartphones' komponiert" [A human with many voices and monsters: The Potsdam-based vocal artist Alex Nowitz has composed a piece for 'orchestra and smartphones'] a portrait by Karim Saab.
8 February 2022, 00:05-01:00: Deutschlandradio Kultur / Neue Musik: "Musiksprache der Zukunft: Wie das künstlerische Verhalten zur Natur die Musik neu justiert" a radio feature by Gisela Nauck with interviews and music by Sabine Vogel, Ute Wassermann, Marcus Maeder and A.N.:
19 January 2022, 20:00: Nicolas Schulze (piano) invites Sabine Vogel (flutes) and A.N. (voice) to an improvisation concert at Au Topsi Pohl, Pohlstrasse 64, 10785 Berlin.
4 / 7 January 2022 (18:00 / 11:00): Broadcast of an interview including music of A.N. about theory and practice of new vocalities by Solveig Sørbø together with co-host Agata Żelechowska at Oslo-based radiOrakel: