Works and its Premiere Performances in Chronological Order from 2024 to 1998
The list contains both works in the domain of vocal performance art featuring A.N. as composer-performer with or without custom, gesture-controlled live electronics, and music compositions of different kinds dedicated to others, including works for opera, dance and spoken theatre, concert music as well as theatrical and multidisciplinary formats, orchestral pieces, vocal and/or instrumental chamber music, text compositions and sound poems, electroacoustic music for multi-channel disseminations as well as audiovisual works.
2024        Was tun wir?
[What are we doing?] for four voices, choir, live electronics & piano (≈10 mins.), performed by operadicals (CH/DE/NO/SE) and the choir supplément musicaux (Bern/CH) conducted by Moritz Achermann. Premiere as part of the program "Here be dragons" at the Musikfestival Bern.
2024        Unfrei im Raum
[unfree in space] for saxophone quartet (≈8 mins.), performers saxophone quartet (Berlin): Adrian Tully (Ss), Alexander Doroshkevich (As), Taewook Ahn (Ts), Annegret Tully (Bs). Premiere during the festival ‘intersonanzen' at the museum FLUXUS+, Potsdam.
2024        Klangduschen
[sound showers] for four loudspeakers and channels (07:30). Altered version of "Musik für vier stereophone Klangduschen" for eight loudspeakers (2008). Premiere during the festival ‘intersonanzen' at the museum FLUXUS+, Potsdam

2023        In the Thicket of the Invisible Wires
for voice and live electronics (strophonion [version 2]) extended, revised version (≈ 30 mins.), performer: Alex Nowitz. Premiere during the festival ‘Digital Care: Evening of the Hands’ at V2_Lab for Unstable Media, Rotterdam.

2023        Die Kammer
[The chamber] for clarinet and button accordion, dedicated to Klariac, Christine Paté (accordion) and Matthias Badczong (clarinet). Premiere at the new music festival 'intersonanzen' at the Potsdam Museum.

2022        Haikus & Herotica: Sieben Gedichte aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen
poem collection in a limited edition of 25 copies in A4 (portrait), a production by Designing Voices (DV), Potsdam, Dec. 2022
2022        Doubles and Drones from the Desert
for voice/live electronics (strophonion [version 2]), piccolo/alto flute and video (≈ 30 mins.) commissioned by the ensemble 'work-in-progress' Berlin under the artistic direction of Gerhardt Müller-Goldboom. Flutes: Katrin Plümer, voice and live electronics: A.N. Premiere Klosterscheune Zehdenick, 20 Nov. 2022.

2022        Im Dickicht der unsichtbaren Drähte
[In the thicket of the invisible wires] for voice and live electronics (strophonion [v2]) (≈ 15 mins.) by and with A.N. Premiere Französische Kirche, 22 Oct. 2022.

Sieben Eintragungen: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Lautklangkünstlers
[Seven entries: From the diary of a sound poet], audiovisual work (15:30), you tube video, Berlin 2022

2022        Vom Glühen der Glut
Eine kleine Nachtszene für Orchester und Smartphones
[On the glowing of the embers: A short nocturnal scene for orchestra (38) and smartphones] (≈ 7 mins.) commissioned by the Kammerakademie Potsdam [Chamber Academy Potsdam] under the artistic direction of Antonello Manacorda. Premiere Nikolaisaal 2 April 2022.
Recording of live broadcast by rbbKultur:

2021        why was words warum: Vier typografische Kompositionsbilder
a graphical text composition in four pictures

2021        Ich bin das Volk
Eine Studie für großes Orchester
[I am the people: A study for large orchestra] recorded by Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg [German Film Orchestra Babelsberg] (DFOB), conducted by Christian Köhler. Publication in January 2023 as part of the CD
"Brandenburg – NEUE MUSIK orchestral", a production by the DFOB and the Brandenburgischer Verein für neue Musik [Brandenburgian Association for New Music] (bvnm):
2021        über die kulturlose zeit
[on times without culture]

a video essay (08:43) with the voice of actor Markus Gertken, premiered at the Nikolaisaal Potsdam as part of the 'Aktionstag—Ein Jahr nach dem ersten Lockdown' by Kultur-Macht-Potsdam, an alliance of artists and cultural institutions from Potsdam:

2020        The Bird That Did Not Return
music for solo voice with live electronics (strophonion [v2]) (08:59); interpreter: A.N., as part of ‘intersonanzen’, Potsdam.
Audio documentation of the premiere performance:

2020        Der Geist Von Gestern. Oder: wenn der mensch den menschen nicht mehr trifft

[The Ghost Of Yesterday. Or: when human beings no longer meet human beings]

music for soprano and six instruments (09:33); interpreter: Katia Guedes and the Modern Art Ensemble Berlin, as part of the annual new music festival ‘intersonanzen’ organised by the Brandenburgian Composer Association for New Music (Brandenburgischer Verein für Neue Musik). Video documentation of the premiere performance: Work introduction and excerpts from the score:

2019        Luftnummer
[Aerial act] for solo voice (08:45) interpreted by A.N. as part of the festival ‘intersonanzen’ Potsdam.
2019        Vocal Space Lines
solo performance featuring voice, live electronics (strophonion [v2]) and four loudspeakers (≈ 30 mins.), interpreted by A.N. at the Berlin Academy of Arts
as part of the festival ‘100 years of Bauhaus’.

2018        Moving Tongues: Playing Space
solo performance featuring voice, live electronics (strophonion [v2]) and video (≈ 90 mins.), interpreted by A.N. at the Reaktorhallen Stockholm as part of his dissertation Monsters I Love: On multivocal arts:

2018        Searching the Magpie
outdoor performance for a whistler and potential birds (≈ 5 mins.), interpreted by A.N. and recorded by Sabine Vogel in the forest of Bend of Island in 2015, Victoria (AU):

2017        Mundfundstücke: Das Konsonantenvokabular
[Mouth found objects: the consonant vocabulary]
video composition featuring screen and two loudspeakers (08:50), displayed for the duration of ‘intersonanzen’ Potsdam:

2017        Bewegungsstudien
[Motion studies] music for four musicians and their voices (soprano saxophone, trombone, violoncello, accordion; ≈ 16 mins.), interpreted by LUX:NM, Berlin as part of the opening concert of the ‘intersonanzen’ at the Kunsthaus sans titre Potsdam.

2016        Untitled
a scene for voice, live electronics (strophonion [version 1]) and a chair to be ignored (03:30), interpreted by A.N. as part of the duet performance ‘Doctor D meets Doctor V’ together with dance performer Susanne Martin presented in the context of the Improvisation XChange Festival at the Dock 11, Berlin:

2016        Kaspar
[Jasper] a musical scene for piano, cello and cor anglais (10:44), interpreted by the Ensemble Mosaik, Berlin as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ at the fabrik Potsdam:

2016        Eine Raumvermessung
[Measuring the space] music for live electronics solo (strophonion [v1]) and 8.2 surround sound system (10:24), the stereo version of a studio performance published as video:

2016        Panache: Oder über konsonantische Rasanzen
featuring voice solo (01:30), published as video:

2015        Tongues and Ghosts
a spatial concert performance for a vocal performer with gesture controlled live electronics (stimmflieger, strophonion [v1]), fixed media and multi-speaker system (≈ 60 mins.), interpreted by A.N. at the Audiorama Stockholm.

2015        Schaumspuren
[Traces of foam] sound poem for voice solo (03:50), premiered by A.N. as part of the solo performance Tongues and Ghosts at the Audiorama Stockholm.
Video documentation of German premiere, 23 January 2016, fabrik Potsdam:

2015        Mönche am Meer: Ein konsonantische Auflösung
[Monks by the sea: a consonantic dissolution] sound poem for voice solo and video (06:37), premiered by A.N. as part of the solo performance Tongues and Ghosts at the Audiorama Stockholm. Video documentation of German premiere, 23 January 2016, fabrik Potsdam:

2014        Mäander
[Meander] music for wind orchestra (07:33), interpreted by the Police Orchestra of the Land Brandenburg under the Humboldt-bridge as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ Potsdam:

2014        Ellafsunev
music for four loudspeakers (03:50), premiered as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ at the Kunsthaus sans titre Potsdam.

2013        touch
music for four electric guitars (07:15), interpreted by the E-Werk Berlin under the artistic direction of Jörgen Brilling, video work by Steffi Weissmann, as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ at the fabrik Potsdam.

2013        Labyrinth
for eight loudspeakers and no light (14:22), produced at the EMS Stockholm in 2010 and 2013, premiered at the intersonanzen 2013, fabrik Potsdam. 2015 Swedish premiere at Audiorama Stockholm as part of the solo performance Tongues and Ghosts:

2013        Traumnovelle
[Dream novella] opera in 16 scenes for three female and four male singers, 14 musicians and fixed sounds for six channels (≈ 90 mins.) with the libretto by Maxi Obexer adapted from the eponymous novella by Arthur Schnitzler, conducted by Sebastian Beckedorf, directed by David Hermann, commissioned by the State Theatre Brunswick, Germany

2012        A Few Euphemisms
music for voice, live electronics (strophonion [v1]), sound objects, flute, violin, violoncello, piano and conductor (≈ 14 mins.), interpreted by the Curious Chamber Players Stockholm and A. N. as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ at Großer Friedenssaal Potsdam:

2011        Hocus Pocus
electroperadical solo for male voice, live electronics (stimmflieger, strophonion [v1]) and electronic organ (≈ 45 mins.), interpreted by A. N. with costumes by Sonja Kloevekorn, in the context of ‘Who’s afraid of Modern Opera’ by De Player, as part of the Operadagen Rotterdam (NL).

2011        Mönche am Meer
[Monks by the Sea] music for
two bass- and two contrabass clarinets (07:20), interpreted by Carte-Blanche-Ensemble (Sabina Matthus-Bébiè, Theo Nabicht, Hans Koch, Ingólfur Vilhjalmsson) as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ at the Treffpunkt Freizeit Potsdam.

2011        Chimères
[Chimera] music for voice (countertenor and kargyraa), violin, clarinet, double bass, piano and percussion (14:30) with a text by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, interpreted by the Kammerakademie Potsdam, Jan Gerdes (piano) and A. N. (voice), as part of the new music series KAP Modern at the Nikolaisaal Potsdam.

2011        Shells
performance for voice solo and live electronics (strophonion [v1]) (≈ 15 mins.), interpreted by A. N., as part of the new music series Amuse Gueules Neuer Musik by Gerhardt Müller-Goldboom at the Radialsystem Berlin.

2010        Tante Marianne
[Aunt Marianne] music for female voice and four loudspeakers (10:40), referring to the same-titled painting by Gerhard Richter, interpreted by the member of the vocal ensemble Maulwerker Berlin, Ariane Jessulat, at the Villa Elisabeth Berlin.

2010        Der Blick zurück
[The look back] string trio No. 2 with fixed sounds (≈ 13 mins.), interpreted by the ensemble Work-In-Progress Berlin as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ at Galerie Sperl Potsdam.

2010        Homo Ludens
solo performance for amplified voice and live electronics (stimmflieger) (≈ 45 mins.), interpreted by A.N. at Warsaw Autumn (PL).

2010        Sirenentränen und Seelentöne
[Sirens’ tears and sounds of the soul]
music for fixed sounds (10:31), produced at EMS Stockholm, published on CD Homo Ludens, nowitz-records, 2010.

2009        Studies for a Self-Portrait
theatrical concert performance for a male singer, live electronics (stimmflieger), piano, toy piano and turntables (≈ 60 mins.), interpreter A.N. at the Schaubuehne am Lehniner Platz (Studio), Berlin.


2009        Minotaurus
music for voice solo and gesture-controlled live electronics (stimmflieger) (≈ 13 mins.), interpreted by A.N. at the ISCM World New Music Days Gothenburg (awarded the first prize by the ECPNM).

2009        Josephs Geist
[Joseph’s ghost/spirit] music for piano solo
(≈ 7 mins.), rendering homage to J. Haydn, interpreted by Vladimir Stoupel and commissioned by the Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci.

2008        voicescapes
performance for voice solo (≈ 10 mins.), interpreted by A.N. at the DNK Amsterdam.

2008        Die Stadt
[The City] music for spoken theatre, text by Martin Crimp, directed by Thomas Ostermeier, premiered at the Schaubuehne Berlin

2008        Der Schnitt
[The Cut]
music for spoken theatre, text by Mark Ravenhill, directed by Thomas Ostermeier, premiered at the Schaubuehne Berlin.

2008        Musik für vier stereophone Klangduschen
[Music for four stereophonic sound showers] a sound installation (≈ 20 mins.), as opening part of the theatre spectacle ‘Die Stadt’ and ‘Der Schnitt' at the Schaubuehne am Lehniner Platz Berlin.

2008        Musik für einen Sänger mit Live-Elektronik und Zuspiel für zehn Lautsprecher
[Music for a singer with live electronics (stimmflieger) and fixed sounds for ten loudspeakers], a music performance (≈ 9 mins.),
as opening part of the theatre spectacle ‘Die Stadt’ and ‘Der Schnitt' at the Schaubuehne am Lehniner Platz Berlin (also published on CD Homo Ludens, 2010).

2008        Wolfsgeheul
[Howling of the wolves] installation-concert (≈ 76 mins.), featuring a vocal performance artist with live electronics (stimmflieger), three musicians (violin, flutes, piano), two dancers, interactive video and lighting design, interpreted by A.N., Peter Rainer, Sabine Vogel, Magda Mayas, Shannon Cooney, Joris Camelin, Jamie Griffiths and Oskar Loeser, with text fragments by Aurelius Augustinus, William Shakepeare and contemporary writer Ralph Hammerthaler, as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ at the fabrik Potsdam.

2007        Über Noahs Boot der Ameisen
[About Noah’s boat of ants] music for toy piano and accordion (≈ 10 mins.), interpreted by Szymon Jakubowski and Jan Jachmann at the Randspiele Zepernick (DE).

2006        Ein Sommernachtstraum
[A summernight’s dream] music for spoken theatre, together with Chris Dahlgren and Maurice de Martin, text based on W. Shakespeare, premiere directed by Thomas Ostermeier and Constanza Macras

2006        Die Bestmannoper

[The opera on the best man] for 14 singers, female and male choir, orchestra, keyboard instruments and theremin (≈ 135 mins.) with the libretto by Ralph Hammerthaler, conducted by Hermann Bäumer, directed by Immo Karaman, commissioned by Theater Osnabrueck (DE).

2006        Drei Psalmen
[Three psalms] music for four male voices (≈ 17 mins.), based on three poems by Thomas Bernhard, two of which were premiered by the soloists of the choir of the Theater Osnabrueck.

2006        HYPOP III: Unikate
[Hypop III: Unica] music theatre for soprano, dj and ten instruments (≈ 60 mins.), interpreted by Lila Milek, Ignaz Schick and the Orchestra Academy of the Staatskapelle Berlin, directed by Adriana Altaras, commissioned by the Staatsoper unter den Linden Berlin, performed at the depot of the opera house.

2005        Venusfalle
[Venus fly trap] music for flute solo and piano resonance (12:30), interpreted by Sabine Vogel, as part of the ‘intersonanzen’ at Altes Rathaus Potsdam.

2005        Das rote Tuch
[The red scarf] music for four French horns (≈ 8 mins.), interpreted by the Potsdamer Hornquartett conducted by Gisbert Näther at Nikolaikirche Potsdam.

2004        Streichtrio Nr. 1
[String trio no.1]
Ich wollte immer das Lächeln malen, aber es ist mir niemals gelungen.’ [I’ve always wanted and never succeeded in painting the smile.] (09:45), inspired by Francis Bacon, interpreted by Lisa Lammel, Sophie Bansac, Cosima Gerhardt at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Berlin.

2004        Screaming Popes
music for dance featuring four male voices, percussion, piano and fixed sounds (≈ 80 mins.), interpreted by A.N. together with the dancers Michael Sean Marye, Sven Till and Dan Wild, choreographed by Toronto-based Marie-Josée Chartier and premiered at the fabrik Potsdam.

2004        Der Tanz des Engels ohne Flügel [The dance of the angel without wings]
solo performance featuring voice and electronics (≈ 47 mins.), interpreted by A.N. at the Galerie Charlier, Berlin.

2003        Musik für neun Instrumente
[Music for nine instruments]
flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, French horn, violin, viola, violoncello, double bass (≈ 18 mins.), interpreted by the Kammerakademie Potsdam at the Nikolaisaal Potsdam.

2003        Angelus Novus
(No.2) music for fixed sounds (11:15), published on CD Homo Ludens, 2010.

2002        Der Vergnügungsvogel
[The pleasure bird] music for whistling voice, violin, flute/alto fl. and piano (18:40), inspired by Dylan Thomas: "Because the pleasure-bird whistles", interpreted by A.N., Peter Rainer, Bettina Lange and Detlef Pauligk, morning matinée by the Kammerakademie Potsdam at Nikolaisaal Potsdam.

2001        Glas, Kreise und Gesänge
[Glas, circles and chants] music for alto voice, flute, violin, bassoon, double bass, percussion and piano (≈ 19 mins.), interpreted by the Moscow Composers Ensemble at Altes Rathaus Potsdam.

2000        Unruhe ist in den Gräsern
[Unrest is in the grasses] string quartet (≈ 25 mins.), referring the eponymous poem by Thomas Bernhard, interpreted by the Persius Ensemble Potsdam at Altes Rathaus Potsdam.

2000        Schneekönigin
[Snow queen] music for children's theatre (≈ 30 mins.), text by Hans-Christian Andersen, directed by Astrid Griesbach, costumes designed by Anja Laterne at the Hans-Otto-Theatre Potsdam.

1999        Othello
music for spoken theatre (≈ 36 mins.), text by William Shakespeare, directed by Horst-Joachim Lonius at the Puppentheater Halle (DE).

1998        bericht über malmö
[report on Malmö] performance for voice solo (≈ 8 mins.), based on a poem with the same title by Ernst Jandl, interpreted by A.N. at Altes Rathaus Potsdam.
1998        o-rest-los
performance for two dancers, three musicians and fixed sounds (
≈ 50 mins.), freely adapted from ‘Orest’ by Euripides,
music for piano, percussion with live electronics and copper rods composed and movements choreographed by A.N., interpreted by Clara Taborda and Wolfgang Hoffmann, Andrea Neumann, Tony Buck and Udo Koloska at Altes Rathaus Potsdam. Further showings at the Baracke of Deutsches Theater Berlin.

1998-88   Early Works: A number of compositions during the period of studying music at different universities in Germany and USA while, at the same time, performing in experimental jazz and punk rock ensembles, such as Vol-Vox (Landshut/Munich), Astro-Peril, No Doctor (both Berlin), touring Germany and Europe, (Nuremberg, Chemnitz, Berlin, Munich, Prague, Vienna, Geneva, et al.).
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