interviews & portraits
Franziska Baumann: 'Zoom Interview with Alex Nowitz'
6 May 2021, published as part of Franziska Baumann:
Embodied Human – Computer Interaction in Vocal Music Performan
ces (Springer, 2022)
Volker Straebel: 'Alex Nowitz in conversation with Volker Straebel' 
28 Oct. 2022, Villa Aurora, Los Angeles,  a YouTube video

Karim Saab: ‘Ein Mensch mit vielen Stimmen und Monstern: Der Potsdamer Gesangsvirtuose Alex Nowitz hat ein Stück "für Orchester und Smartphones" komponiert, das am Samstag im Nikolaisaal aufgeführt wird'
[A human being with many voices and monsters: The Potsdam-based vocal artist Alex Nowitz has composed a piece for orchestra and smartphones that will premiered on Saturday at the Nikolaisaal Potsdam]
02/03 April 2022, Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung (MAZ KULTUR), S 11.

Gisela Nauck: 'Musiksprache der Zukunft: Wie das künstlerische Verhalten zur Natur die Musik neu justiert'
[Musical language of the future: How artistic performance towards nature readjusts music]
8 February 2022, 00:05-01:00 in
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Serie Neue Musik, a radio feature with interviews with and music by Marcus Maeder, Sabine Vogel, Ute Wassermann, and A.N. ('Der Vergnügungsvogel', 'The bird that did not return'),
[36:05 - 44:00].

Solveig Sørbø: 'Night of New Vocalities'
3 September 2021: interview with and music by A.N. on theory and practice of new vocalities at Oslo-based radiOrakel,

Helen Hahmann: ‘Die Pfeifstimme in der Musik. Interview mit dem Stimm- und Pfeifkünstler Alex Nowitz’
[The whistled voice in music. Interview with the vocal artist and whistler Alex Nowitz]
06 January 2021, Audio Portal of Community Radios,

Matthias Osterwold & Alex Nowitz: ‘Ferngespräch: Vielstimmige Stimme und Klangtanz’
[Long-distance Call: Multivocal Voice and Sound Dance]
A live streamed conversation (in German) on concepts, strategies and examples of A.N.'s work between solo performances and instrumental theatre, composed structures, improvisation and gesture-controlled live electronics (24 June 2020). Online series of the Cultural Foundation Schloss Wiepersdorf

Christian Steinbock: ‘Acht Fragen, kurz notiert: Im Gespräch mit dem Komponisten Alex Nowitz’
[Eight questions, quickly noted: In conversation with the composer Alex Nowitz]
Programmheft zur Traumnovelle von Alex Nowitz, ed. by Joachim Klement (Staatstheater Braunschweig, 2012), pp. 12-15.

James Chute, ‘Singer goes where no voice has gone before: Alex Nowitz is on a boundary-breaking exploration of both natural and electronic vocal stylings’
The San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 May 2011.

Adelheid Schloemann, ‘Interview mit Alex Nowitz zur Uraufführung von Chimères’
[Interview with Alex Nowitz on the premiere of Chimères]
Programmheft (Kammerakademie Potsdam, 2011).

Christian Tepe, ‘Zeitgenössisches als Alibi? Alex Nowitz zur Diskussion über neue Choropern im Gespräch mit Christian Tepe’
[The contemporary as alibi? Alex Nowitz on the discussion about new choral operas in conversation with Christian Tepe]
in Oper & Tanz, 03 (2009).

Albrecht Thiemann, ‘Neue Räume für die Musik!: Der Potsdamer Komponist Alex Nowitz über instrumentales Theater, die Überblendung von Klangräumen und die Erschließung der Ressourcen des Inneren’
[New rooms for the music!: The composer Alex Nowitz from Potsdam on instrumental theatre, the cross-fading  of sonic spaces and the disclosure of the internal resources]
in Opernwelt, Vol. 45, No. 8, (2004), pp. 33-35.

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